Send a report with the outmost confidentiality.

Methods of sending and confidentiality

Whistleblowing through this channel is only accessible to you and to the person in charge of handling Rai Way whistleblowing (hereinafter Recipient).  You can use this platform to submit a whistleblowing report in a secure and confidential manner or also, provided all the conditions set out in the annexed policy are met, anonymously (for more information read the Whistleblowing Policy annexed to this page)

Confidential Whistleblowing via personal account: confidential whistleblowing is one in which the Whistleblower is identifiable. Confidential whistleblowing requires the user to first register, and then create a personal account (by clicking on "Do not have an account? Sign in"). You can fill in the form relating to the whistleblowing report and then submit it.

Confidential whistleblowing without creating a personal account: it is also possible to submit a confidential whistleblowing report without creating an account, by filling in the whistleblowing form directly from the "Whistleblowing without Registration" section and entering personal data at the end of the form.

Anonymous whistleblowing: anonymous whistleblowing does not allow the whistleblowing to be associated with the name of the Whistleblower, as the name of the Whistleblower does not exist. In this case, the Whistleblower is not obliged to register with the system and can submit the whistleblowing report as a non-registered user in the section "Whistleblowing without registration".

This platform guarantees the confidentiality and security of information: All content you enter, including your identity, is encrypted and can only be read by you and the Recipient of the whistleblowing.

Once the whistleblowing report has been submitted, you can follow its progress and continue to communicate with the Whistleblowing Recipient through the message area associated with the whistleblowing. Again, all information is encrypted and protected by the platform. We advise you to periodically access your whistleblowing report to check for any communications and/or requests for clarification.


To best guarantee your confidentiality, we suggest to:

  • not include personal data that could be traced to your identity in the description of the fact subject of whistleblowing;
  • not use a corporate e-mail address for registration;
  • not send a whistleblowing report from your workstation.